Internalized Homophobia Meaning: How to Overcome Shame and Self-Hatred

Internalized Homophobia Meaning: How to Overcome Shame and Self-Hatred

Is Internalized Homophobia Real or Are You Imagining It? Oh yes it’s certainly real! Many of us have experienced it in some shape or form, some more closely than others; maybe it happened within ourselves or our closest closeted friends. Unfortunately, internalized homophobia is not a fruit of our imagination, and fortunately we are mentally […]

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Delve into the timeless wisdom of Socrates with impactful quotes and their relevance to modern life, applying his principles for personal growth and fulfillment.

Exploring Socrates’ Wisdom: 12 Inspiring and Timeless Quotes

Delving into Socrates’ Wisdom Socrates, the ancient Greek philosopher, continues to inspire and enlighten with his profound wisdom and timeless teachings. His thoughts on life, virtue, and knowledge have left an indelible mark on philosophy and self development. In this article, we delve into some of Socrates’ most impactful quotes, exploring their significance and relevance

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The True Things I’ve Learned or The Gossip I’ve Heard?

The True Things I’ve Learned or The Gossip I’ve Heard? – Revenge is cheap, it doesn’t rewind the pain, it does not repair the bad deeds. Vengeance is justice? Deeds and perpetual activity give meaning to life. Every deed has its place. All inertia, all passivity, on the other hand, is detrimental and senseless to

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It’s going to change, things can quickly change, keep faith.

Mechanical repetition slowly crushes your personality. It’s going to change, things can quickly change, keep faith. For things will work out, no doubt. Maybe not the way you planned, just how it’s meant to be. Some suspicious manners and looks are tagging you, their ego took over so you are not talking to their soul.

It’s going to change, things can quickly change, keep faith. Read More »


Eshu Virgo Element and Planet – Are You Holding A Spiritual Puzzle Piece?

1 Powerful spirits acknowledge the human intent and the present earthy energies, not the devil’s idea. Honoring the different aspects of nature, an emotional and spiritual experience to the material, connecting with Orishas; the pantheon of deities in their basic essence; energies; elemental personifications of the creative force. Oshun, represents the rivers, Yoruba, sensuality, love,

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when the scapegoat fights back

When The Scapegoat Fights Back? Overcoming Scapegoating: Scapegoats Scapegoated by Scapegoaters

When the scapegoat fights back. What is scapegoating? Frightened people’s index finger always is ready to aim at everyone except at the real causes of their woes. Cowardly, hiding between frail targets while thinking they are strong, they hatefully finger point from behind their laptop screens to sting at doers while procrastinating at wasting their

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Shadow Work or Positive Thinking – Retrieve Your Soul Lost Parts

Meditating while ignoring the importance of shadow work is not enough. Without shadow work we are incomplete, after seeing our shadow we are whole. Many are ready to fly to unknown galaxies or retreat to a new earth to escape their shadows but who wants to do the work that interrupts the promised ecstatic state?

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ANGER MANAGEMENT — How to Handle Frustrating Outbursts?

ANGER MANAGEMENT – How to Handle Frustrating Outbursts?

How to Relax in Peace? Chilling with Your Friends – Retreat to Peace Angry outbursts can happen to anyone from time to time; it’s human nature, and given the range of violence and injustice raging throughout the world, sadly we are more susceptible to this emotional state than ever before. However, when it becomes out

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Brain Wave Vibrations and Frequencies – The Power of Sound

SOUND POWER GOOD FREQUENCY BRAINWAVE VIBRATIONS: People have been seeking the truth about the origin of the world as long as humans have existed and in doing so, have come up with many complex theories to explain life. There are scientific, religious and spiritual explanations and let us not forget the alternative media who report

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Top Things To Give Up To Feel Happier Immediately

Things To Give Up To Be Happy Happiness is perhaps the most important thing to most people. Unfortunately, finding it is an endless pursuit that many struggle to achieve. Almost every common avenue to happiness, including wealth, power, and fame, inevitably leads to frustration, disappointment and sorrow. No matter how successful you are, there are things

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Things To Give Up In exchange for happiness

Are You Happy? How The Environment Influences Your Life and Motivation

Unhappy Surroundings. Noisy Neighbors or Peace at Last? How The Environment Influences Your Life: Most people feel that they need to complete one goal in their life, tick it off and then move onto another. In this rat race to achieve various life goals, some forget to be happy and to live in the moment

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What-really-matters-in your-life-explore-it-while-we-stil-can-info-self-development

Toxic Relationships Characteristics and Signs

Relationships Toxicity How To Avoid Missing The Glaring Signs Characteristics and Traits of predatory relating patterns: A relationship is more than just a source of love and companionship. It makes you feel invigorated, vibrant, and optimistic. It also provides a sense of well being and contentment. However, some relationships can drain energy and life out

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Self Inventory - 12 Questions to Ask Yourself to Be Successful in Life

Personal Inventory – 12 Questions to Ask Yourself to Be Successful in Life

Self Inventory It’s important to find out if you have been spending your energy and efforts in the areas of your life where you can make a positive difference. Asking Questions Here is a list of questions which are useful as a way of progressing your self development: 1. Have I been persistent in reaching

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how to increase intelligence naturally

Increase Intelligence Naturally

NATURAL TIPS If you think that there aren’t any ways to increase intelligence, think again. There are two kinds of intelligence; crystallized intelligence and fluid intelligence. Researchers have described fluid intelligence as the general ability to solve new problems and recognize unfamiliar patterns. There are ways to increase fluid intelligence; improving cognitive function increases working

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What Are Some Myths About Intelligence? 5 Exposed

MYTHS EXPOSED Nowadays, simply with common sense, an internet connection and a thirst for knowledge, everyone can educate themselves, seek truths and find multiple contradictory answers. We all have a natural intelligence to educate ourselves about anything we put our minds to and make conscious decisions instead of just assuming the ones we are told to

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How to Get Motivated for Change in Your Life

How to Get Motivated for Change in Your Life

A Motive, What Is It? Do you have problems setting goals and sticking to them? If you struggle with motivation, it’s probably because your motive isn’t connected with what your heart desires. A motive is a meaningful reason to achieve your goal, it’s the determination to go in a particular direction and stick to it. It’s a desire turned into the

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