Moving On: Use Your Setbacks As Stepping Stones To Success
Stones Of Mistakes

Once a mistake has been made, if you have a taste for repeating self sabotaging patterns, you are left with seven choices:
To wish having done things differently.
To focus on blaming the mistake.
To focus on finding the person responsible for your mistake.
To succumb to the temptation of dismissing your defects.
To forget it as fast as possible rather than wasting time thinking about the cause.
To rewind non stop self loathing episodes in your mind.
To stand still with the mouth open in hope to be advised by a flying insect.
None of the above options are applicable solutions are ambitious.
But when it’s too late to correct an error, there is a simpler option: Learn the correct solution to the error, focus on doing something new and constructive with what was learned.
Why do some past decisions depress us for so long? To let go sometimes is easier said than done, especially when it’s too late to get our time back.
In any case, no one is who they were yesterday, people their intentions change as fast as their heart hardens according to how many years they’ve spent on planet earth. However there are still some enlightened souls amongst us, best try being one of them rather succumbing to the bitterness of regrets.
So don’t waste one more second, use your mistakes as stepping stones to learning how to leap forward a wiser you who can see meaning and find strength in pain.
Mistakes are the stepping stones to learning. This statement means what?
A stepping stone is a flat stone of various sizes and shapes, styles typically used as steps on outdoor walkways to help safely step across gardens. Stepping stones appear irregular or rough, brick, concrete or river rock, the pavers are laid to give weekenders a usable walking path to the nearest sun beach lounge chair.
Figuratively Speaking, Mistakes are also called Stumbling Blocks; large blocks of rocks placed on our way hindering us. Since the possibility of making mistakes exist, using each mistake as an occasion to learn something new to better ourselves instead of fearing or rejecting the idea that at any unguarded moment anyone could stumble upon a stumbling block and fall, is the reason why our best teacher is Life.
In brief, our mistakes are lessons we’ve learned to become wiser in this life, and beyond. Playing it safe at never attempting anything frightening or blissful, for fear to fail at simply being authentic, won’t teach us the lessons that life has in store for us. Thus, to unlock more growth potential from within, live your life like a great triumphant joy, live it to the fullest extent by exploring something new each day in which real meaning is found. For in the end it is the experiences that count most.
Top 50 – Learning From Mistakes Inspirational Quotes And Sayings
1- “Many times what we perceive as an error or failure is actually a gift. And eventually we find that lessons learned from that discouraging experience prove to be of great worth.” Richelle E. Goodrich
2- “Great losses are great lessons.” Amit Kalantri
3- “CRITICISM is part of LEARNING and GROWTH. It means that you are taking INITIATIVES to learn something new and grow over from your current state. If you are not getting criticised, it means you are not taking enough RISK to learn something new and to grow.” Sanjeev Himachali
4- “Don’t stop learning because life doesn’t stop teaching.” Oscar Auliq-Ice
5- “As Acheron would say, sometimes you have to fail in order to succeed. Whether we want it or not, there is an order in the universe. It’s hard to understand and many, many times it’s hard to swallow, but it’s there and our choices are our own. Failure is part of life and no one can succeed every time they try something. -Alexion” Sherrilyn Kenyon
6- “I am part of the art not an artist. I tried everything and I failed, – but I didn’t fail achieving from my failures.” Kangoma Kindembo
7- “If a person has the stupidity of learning something bad only by experiencing it, then let him learn it by experiencing it!” Mehmet Murat ildan
8- “Nothing is ever wrong if you learn out of it and nothing is right if it makes you arrogant. Watch On!” Ramana Pemmaraju
9- “When you know better, you do better. That said, it really is a shame to know better but don’t do better.” Germany Kent
10- “Learn, Teach, Love, Experience and Grow. That’s what I know about this life we live.” Jonathan Anthony Burkett
11- “When you realize your life isn’t heading in the direction you wish, rather than wasting time complaining about the situation, just focus on the direction you wish to proceed with determination.” Nanette Mathews
12- “One thing is for sure—you will make mistakes. Learn to learn from them. Learn to forgive yourself. Learn to laugh when everything falls apart because, sometimes, it will.” Vironika Tugaleva
13- “When you fall short of your goals and dreams ask yourself is it your mindset, perspective, expectations, effort, approach, acceptance, company or a blend of these that needs to change.” Rasheed Ogunlaru
14- “I don’t have the perfect roadmap drawn out, but I do know which roads I’ll never drive down again.” Brittany Burgunder
15- “Find a way to learn something from every disappointment.” Laurie Nadel
16- “Building takes many, many mistakes.” Becky Chambers
17- “Don’t be too quick to leave the tree you are highly convinced of its future sweet fruits and comforting shade just because you see its present fruitlessness. Just sit under it and endure the scorching sun, one day, its branches will give you comfort and its fruits will give you smiles and nourish your body!” Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
18- “Bitter wisdom is better than sweet folly.” Matshona Dhliwayo
19- “A mistake is an experience, choice or concept it is necessary for us to have or make in order to evolve beyond it. Errors can be the launchpad of great ideas.” Stewart Stafford
20- “With every defeat there is an opportunity to learn.” Wayne Gerard Trotman
21- “They say that animals are incapable of feelings and reasoning. This is false. No living thing on earth is void of either. They also say that man is the most intelligent — and the most superior — species on earth. This is also false. It is very arrogant to assume that we are the most intelligent species when we keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. It has been shown that both rats and monkeys learn from making errors, yet we have not. Our history proves this. All creatures on earth have the capacity to love and grieve the same way we do. No life on the planet is more deserving than another. Those who think so, are the true savages.” Suzy Kassem
22- “We are often let down by the most trusted people and loved by the most unexpected ones. Some make us cry for things that we haven’t done, while others ignore our faults and just see our smile. Some leave us when we need them the most, while some stay with us even when ask them to leave. The world is a mixture of people. We just need to know which hand to shake and which hand to hold! After all that’s life, learning to hold on and learning to let go.” Chanda Kaushik
23- “It doesn’t matter if you win or lose; what matters is if you learn from it or not.” Mohith Agadi
24- “What ultimately got me through was my single-minded determination, voiced aloud to myself and recorded in my diary, to discover the causes of my blindness and never to repeat them. Fearlessly pursuing insight was my badge of honor, my route back to self-respect.” Jeanne Safer
25- “Have no regrets in life because of the choices you make. Good or bad, they are a learning experience, to help you grow. The only regret in life, is to never make a choice at all.” James Hauenstein
26- “Using reason without applying it to experience only leads to theoretical illusions. Ideas derived from real world experiences lead to acquisition of knowledge, and the accumulation of time-tested principles leads to wisdom.” Kilroy J. Oldster
27- “For every choice you make, there is a consequence to face. Choose wisely!” Kemi Sogunle
28- “I try as much as possible to keep pushing myself beyond my limits – those set by myself, and those by others, to see how much lies within. He said nothing is impossible and I truly believe Him.
Once in a while, I go beyond . . .
More often than not, I get pretty burned and decline to tend to my sores in solitude, whilst trying the best I can to find out why I burned so bad.
Other times, I surprise myself at the power within, which has been lying dormant, probably out of ignorance or fear.
Either way, I learn . . .
And probably, that is the most significant thing to be gleaned out of every experience.” Ufuoma Apoki
29- “All humans learn from each other’s mistakes. Intelligent humans learn how to avoid them, idiots how to do them.” Raheel Farooq
30- “Take care not to welcome today the terrors that will make yesterday’s demons look like angels.” Joyce Rachelle
31- “Until a person has failed significantly or missed the boat, they will not know how to hold the tension until the right moment or how to test the waters before pushing on.” Michael Meade
32- “Something important I have learned is patience, and turning each failure into a learning experience. ..Instead of calling them “failures” I call them “lessons”. Instead of saying, “I failed at that,” I say, “I learned from that.” Each failure has taught me something incredibly valuable and by recognizing this I can see the hand of God in my life in situations where most people would feel abandoned by Him.” Lindsey Rietzsch
33- “Mistakes are like bad loves, the more you learn from, the more you wish they’d never happened.” Gregory David Roberts
34- “What better way could we teach our children the importance of learning to push forward despite failure than to openly embrace in the education system Trial and Learn as our truly only human learning process. In doing so, we eliminate the stigma of failure and view it as an important part of the process of learning.” Martha Char Love
35- “Learn, believe and achieve!” Sunny Basra
36- “At the end, someone or something always gives up. It is either you give up and quit or the obstacle or failure gives up and makes way for your success to come through.” Idowu Koyenikan
37- “Hang on! God will be thy strength in any act of your pursuit.” Lailah Gifty Akita
38- “Failures are inevitable when you experiment, but it is a trial-and-error process that gives results.” Haresh Sippy
39- “Success is one step ahead of all your failures” Dr.J. Ruby
40- “I could live with failure. I had and would. But ORDINARY? Not a fucking chance.” Quentin R. Bufogle
41- “It is OK to fail! But learn from it, so that you don’t repeat the same failure!” Arijit Sarbagna
42- “The winners are the fearless souls who dare to go through the highway of failure without losing their enthusiasm and momentum because they are aware of the fact that failure is a price to pay for achieving massive success.” Dhiraj Kumar Raj
43- “Be smart, but don’t outsmart the process and look for shortcuts” H. J. Chammas
44- “The feeling of failure is just a believed thought.” Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana, PhD, MBA
45- “You’ll fail, but try anyways, that’s how everything began.” Saroj Aryal
46- “I had a rough life, full of ups, downs, failures, and achievements. What can I say? That’s just life and it’s expected. The best part is always waking up knowing that I have it in me to fight and keep going, but I didn’t let it get me down or break me” Hagir Elsheikh
47- “Someone somewhere (maybe in your circle) wants you to fail. Why give them the satisfaction?” Carlos Wallace
48- “Convert your rejection into rejuvenation.” Rupal Asodaria
49- “Don’t pray for greatness if you cannot handle struggle. There come together, you can’t have one without the other.” Nicky Verd
50- “The End is the Beginning
Failure is not the end of the line,
It does not mean “stop” or give up
It means, take a break,
Reflect, gain clarity,
Redirect your energy
And try again.” Christine Evangelou
Mistakes Are The Stepping Stones to Learning
Searching for abundance… Who isn’t striving to achieve success in life? Isn’t the thought of potentially failing somewhat intolerable? And perhaps your imaginative eagerness to win runs wild with mental plans and films, of you urging your life to completely change before it ends up consuming you for good.
Who likes to fail and finds it easy to succeed at everything all of the time? To process setbacks is difficult. Even if we were conscious of the high probability for encountering certain fated disappointments along our life long journey, we still are disheartened and shaky when the inevitable presents itself, when we are left face to face with a vision of failure that comes from our own perspective on life;
If we shift our mindset all can change.
Although setbacks are painful, they change our lives.
They leave us with an unyielding desire to quickly get back on track to fulfill our potential with greater tact and endurance. To pick up the pieces of your life and dust them off after they’ve fallen off, move on past mental exhaustion following a failure:
1. Never Give Up The Spiritual Search
Not persevering isn’t an option. Who has never failed on their way to success? Everyone has felt tremendous pressure and misfortune. There is no progress without struggle. The unclear path will get better with work and a bit of luck.
2. Plan Development
When the first few attempts at… didn’t work out as previously planned, details need to be rethink with greater self honesty and more research to pinpoint why, what went wrong, and where. You can upgrade the old failing plan or develop a new strategy based on the previous one. In any case, even if you start over from scratch, make up a short term plan until in your mind, you have outlined the larger map destined to lead your soul towards the optimum goal.
3. Get Over It
After regressing to where it all began, you can’t wait to make headway from where you left off. And as you became obsessed to try your hand again right away at reaching the end, allow yourself time to get over it first. Let the denial about your erroneous situation sink in, let the hours spent anticipating a miracle go by, and say goodbye to your unmotivated pessimist self first. Prioritize your self healing process, strengthen your foundation before you take on a new challenge; allow yourself enough time to understand and digest the chaos to avoid building more Eiffel towers on earthquakes.
Helpful Links:
Failure: The Perfect Stepping Stone To Success
Failure Is Just A Stepping Stone On The Path To Success
4. The Serenity to Accept The Things You Cannot Change
Acceptance is vital. Not all is lost. Nothing is ever wasted. If luck didn’t show up this time around, it’s because it wasn’t your fated time yet, but it’s not the end of all. There are things you’ve worked for that you can still benefit from in the long run. Once you accept temporary defeat, what you’ve attempted to accomplish becomes another stepping stone that will take you closer to your winning destination. So come to terms with what went down, and make sure it never happens again by moving on.
Not many take risks to go after their dreams, especially when the odds are stacked against them, for this reason no matter the result of your last failure, congratulate yourself on the back for – You Tried. Celebrate! You are now one step closer to the finish line ahead of all those who gave up and all those who didn’t even start.
5. No is An Opportunity Not a Dead End
Make use of rejections as a reason to improve and rethink ideas that need further transformation to work in your favor. And even if that fails, persistence always pays off at some point; it will bring peace today in your heart, success in this life perhaps, or good karma in the next incarnation for sure. Everything counts if it matters to you. With determination and long term planning, No transmutes into YES. Brooding about a melting opportunity those seeds haven’t grown into the beautiful plant it could have been, is best replaced by the courage to find faith in yourself to try again… Ward off your grey thoughts with Prayers to Saturn, ask for self assurance, for tolerance, and trust that fairness will find you and bestow justice on all good deeds you did.