
It’s going to change, things can quickly change, keep faith.

Mechanical repetition slowly crushes your personality. It’s going to change, things can quickly change, keep faith. For things will work out, no doubt. Maybe not the way you planned, just how it’s meant to be. Some suspicious manners and looks are tagging you, their ego took over so you are not talking to their soul. […]

It’s going to change, things can quickly change, keep faith. Read More »

How to Get Motivated for Change in Your Life

How to Get Motivated for Change in Your Life

A Motive, What Is It? Do you have problems setting goals and sticking to them? If you struggle with motivation, it’s probably because your motive isn’t connected with what your heart desires. A motive is a meaningful reason to achieve your goal, it’s the determination to go in a particular direction and stick to it. It’s a desire turned into the

How to Get Motivated for Change in Your Life Read More »

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