Venus square Jupiter: Love and Luck

Can you think of an uplifting weekend when you went to a celebration and met warm people, those enthusiastic spirits filled your heart with generosity and lifted your optimism so much that in the afterglow you focused only on the glass half full rather than the glass half empty? Well you’ve already felt the Venus Square Jupiter vibe! It’s about offering gratitude for the things that you have.
This aspect between Venus and Jupiter brings affectionate connections that help remind you of what’s good about being alive, grateful and adventurous.
And, as a result, you might be inspired to make a grand gesture to show your feelings on a large scale or to dream big about getting out of your comfort zone – to try new things and experiences; you want to go big or go home! And you want your home to be a large space because Venus is amplified and expanded by Jupiter.
“I know we will live longer and happier lives with a passion and a purpose.” Kris Jenner has a Venus Square Aspect in her birth chart.
Square Aspects in Astrology: Turning Challenges into Growth Opportunities
How does the square aspect factor in? A square aspect isn’t a bad aspect. It’s useful to not see aspects in black or white since they are not simply all good or bad. To be a little bit more specific, the square aspect brings in some tension and a need for adjustment such as a need to rethink our time lines (Who or what is going to happen first? What needs to come second or later?) or a need to make some choices (What are you going to do now and what are you not going to do?)
A square aspect to Jupiter, the planet of expansion, can often indicate having too much of a good thing. In this case, the points of tension or adjustments aren’t necessarily a bad thing. Especially when the square aspect involves the two life affirming planets and benefics; Jupiter and Venus. You see, a square isn’t a big challenge or problem at all. All it does is demonstrate the quality of overindulging in or overdoing something.
So if you have to know what issue could be coming up ahead of this aspect, think of something down the lines of not knowing when to stop, not knowing when enough is enough, not knowing your limits, or incessantly wanting more and more… of what you’re really enjoying, of that person, object or activity you can’t get enough of. If you don’t stop it can become unbalanced or unreasonable.
For example: You don’t know when to stop or expand your limits when tempted by some little pleasures like getting an extra bit of cheese, a second serving of ice cream or another glass of wine, even if you know it will make you feel terrible the next day. Or you’re staying up too late on Sunday night anyway, because you enjoy it so much.
Sometimes it’s life, we’re indulging, we go for it, to simply live in the moment, and there’s nothing wrong with that. As long as we are aware of what we are doing in the times in which we are living, who is to say we shouldn’t take those moments of happiness and enjoy them to the fullest when they cross our path.
A square with Venus and Jupiter isn’t a distracting problem, and it is not an absence or a lack of something either. It’s purely a compulsive feeling so good that we indulge in it. For ancient astrologers, squares (even oppositions) between the two benefics were not necessarily a bad thing. It is as though the overwriting quality of the benefics is what stands out, as their benefic qualities override the challenging nature of a difficult aspect. So, squares of benefics rarely have the unpleasant side effects of other squares.
Venus and Jupiter Align: What Their Relationship Means for Your Love Life
Watch for a tendency to misread things a bit, all might not be what it seems… With Venus Square Jupiter unreciprocated generosity could be in the air, like when we inappropriately give someone so much more than what is deserved or necessary that they don’t know what to do with all of what’s given to them.
“Why are you giving me so much?” They say.
“Is it too much?” You said.
“It’s just… I don’t know how to receive that much tender loving care… so much attention.” They respond.
As such, there can be all sorts of reasons why with Venus in square to Jupiter things are a little bit of a mismatch.
Venus and Jupiter in Harmony: Merging Artistic Talents with a Sense of Justice
The planet Jupiter is linked to justice and law. And Venus represents creative and artistic types of women, as well as all kinds of other marginalized groups in society. So a Venus square Jupiter aspect can bring an event that changes the rules or shifts the dynamics concerning people in the arts or women. There may be lots of discussion and debate, or there may be some judgments or legal matters that are decided.
If you find yourself at a turning point where you now have to make a choice between going after big dreams or adventures that are filling your heart and soul with thrill, or letting them go, keep in mind that when Jupiter is active, sometimes the leap of faith is worth taking, as if Jupiter was saying, the risk is worth it. Maybe the challenges and pressures of living have eased and so your choice might be to finally sort out a plan for the future, or perhaps you simply realize that what used to be pleasant has come to end.
As the ruler of the sign of Libra, Venus is associated with social harmony, which relates to fairness, justice and equality. Thus, Venus and Jupiter operate together to arrange things in a meaningful way; Jupiter creates religious, spiritual, moral and academic unity while Venus harmonizes the well-arranged whole; the cosmos. Venus is also connected to the word ‘cosmetic’, and has a relationship to things that are fine-looking in terms of beauty and symmetry.
The Venus – Jupiter Connection is Associated with The Feeling of Return
The word ‘return’ can mean to go back to a former position or to come back. But it can also mean something that was rotating and then comes back to its starting point. Almost like planetary cycles, for example a Venus or a Lunar return. The word ‘return’ has long been used to remind us of the cyclical nature of things in our universe. So it’s natural for our cup to be emptied and then full or for the darkness to come before the daylight returns.
One of the most exciting and pleasing feelings of a Venus relationship with Jupiter is a moment of return, when after you’ve been lost, longing or wandering, you feel things coming back together. Suddenly you’re being reunited or coming back to a place that you thought was left behind forever.
A Venus – Jupiter contact is amazing in making you feel enthusiasm from meaningful spiritual experiences inspired by a divinity or God. Although it doesn’t last forever, for a while you’re on fire, fueled by your relationship to divinity and spirit. It feels like a flame in your heart is being ignited for you to invent, discover, and move forward to evolve with the help of a creative force that comes from within to initiate change. A Venus – Jupiter dynamic takes you back to a magical universe where you’re filled with excitement as you connect to the spirit of hope of return. So, In dark times of suffering, have the hope and trust that pain will come to pass.
Top Keywords and Phrases for Understanding Venus Square Jupiter:
One can be addicted, obsess or overdo things like a tendency to overindulge in things that make you feel good like shopping, sex, drinking and parting, or overeating. Too much of everything. Too many beauty treatments or procedures, or adding several extra steps in your routine which are unnecessary and may even backfire. The key to your well being is to avoid rich food and have plenty of rest, also be aware that relationships which aren’t growing can hinder your self development.
With this aspect, you may struggle with laziness or procrastination. Despite this, you are well liked and everyone comes to you for a good time. You are an incredibly charming optimist. Popular, you bring a smile to everyone’s face with a great sense of humor. Your charisma helps you avoid a lot of responsibility when you lack self discipline as you favor having fun over attending to serious matters. With this aspect one has a good understanding of the arts.
“I believe in love and lust and sex and romance. I don’t want everything to add up to some perfect equation. I want mess and chaos. I want someone to go crazy out of his mind for me. I want to feel passion and heat and sweat and madness. I want valentines and cupids and all of that crap. I WANT IT ALL.” Barbra Streisand has a Venus Square Aspect in her birth chart.
The danger with a Venus square Jupiter aspect is inflexibility, self righteousness, too much fault-finding with potential partners, falling in love with people who live far away or have incompatible worldviews and beliefs. So, for a relationship to work, a sacrifice may have to be made, such as adopting a new religion or moving to another country. This aspect needs you to be clear on your values and expectations, and about what you want in a partner versus what you can compromise on. With this aspect you must make serious adjustments and work for love, however you will find luck, abundance and the potential for great success when you face the challenges.
Attracting a significant partner with whom the relationship will not be an easy one, because there is a tension between the freedom loving Jupiter and Venus desire of closeness, yet you will grow in maturity and wisdom as a result of it. If you can control and calm down your excitement and compulsive feelings then this relationship can be constructive and enjoyable for the two of you, and you might even go on a trip simply for entertainment.
Good luck, fortune, seeing people maxing out their credit cards, love wins, fertility, abundance, fruitful, pregnancy, childbirth, love, sexual union and intercourse, producing offsprings, the life-giving qualities that allows gardens and crops to flourish, creatively fertile, the feeling of things growing or the soil being conducive to growth, a feeling that there is a potential for things to grow. So what are you going to plant right now?
Famous people with Venus Square Jupiter in their Birth Natal:
Bobby Fischer 0’00, Michel Temer 0’00, Amy Lee 0’01, Marcel Marceau 0’02, Catherine, Princess of Wales 0’03, Jeremy Silman 0’04, George Grosz 0’06, Dolly Parton 0’09, Marco Vassi 0’12, George Takei 0’13, Michael Crichton 0’18, Kris Jenner 0’18, Gustave Courbet 0’30, Barbara Hershey 0’32, Boy George 0’37, John Frawley 0’38, Walter de la Mare 0’38, Finn Wolfhard 0’41, Andy Leslie 0’43, Larry King 0’44, Erwin Rommel 0’44, John Denver 0’45, Andreas Vesalius 0’45, Nancy Spungen 0’51, Princess Margaret 0’56, Alice Cooper 0’59, Morgan Freeman 1’06, Sepharial 1’07, Wilt Chamberlain 1’07, Dan Rather 1’20, Lana Del Rey 1’35, Brody Jenner 1’36, Shelley Ackerman 1’41, Proclus 1’55.
“I stand for freedom of expression, doing what you believe in, and going after your dreams.” Madonna has a Venus Square Aspect in her birth chart.
Venus Square Jupiter Transits Upcoming Dates:
19 August 2024 (Venus 17’22 Virgo / Jupiter 17’22 Gemini)
14 January 2025 (Venus 12′ Pisces / Jupiter (R) 12′ Gemini)
2 November 2025 (Venus 25’03 Libra / Jupiter 25’02’ Cancer)
18 March 2026 (Venus 15’11 Aries / Jupiter 15’11 Cancer)
3 January 2027 (Venus 26’16 Scorpio / Jupiter (R) 26’16 Leo)
31 May 2027 (Venus 20’20 Taurus / Jupiter 20’20 Leo)
20 November 2027 (Venus 23’22 Sagittarius / Jupiter 23’22 Virgo)
30 April 2028 (Venus 17’48 Gemini / Jupiter 17’48 Virgo)
21 May 2028 (Venus (R) 17’37 Gemini / Jupiter 17’37 Virgo)
3 August 2028 (Venus 25’58 Gemini / Jupiter 25’58 Virgo)
29 January 2029 (Venus 27’12 Capricorn / Jupiter 27’12 Libra)
16 June 2029 (Venus 17’31 Cancer / Jupiter 17’31 Libra)