According to yogis, in order to experience changes in life and to feel sublime, stable and connected to others; we need to start making a difference from within. Along the human spine, there are seven energy centers located at important branching points in our nervous system, and working with these are the key to this change from within.
Energetic Centers or Chakras as they are commonly known, are a combination of feelings, thoughts, energy and the physical body. The word Chakra means Spinning Wheel. Our conscious mind gets projected through these wheels. As a result, the wheels determine how we experience reality, our level of fear or confidence, our dislikes or desires, our emotional reactions, and even physical symptoms.
If you feel like an invisible force or a mental barrier is stopping you from reaching your highest potential, then the balancing or removing of these blocks, can be done, in yoga and meditation practices while working with the energy centers. “The energy of the mind is the essence of life. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” Aristotle
Kundalini Yoga: The ‘soul detox’ you need during the lockdown. We keep complaining we don’t have time to do yoga, but now we do have the chance to inculcate this habit. It is blissful and peaceful. It also awakens your immunity system,” she says. “Stress is directly connected to our immune system and this has been scientifically proven. So doing Kundalini yoga will bring greater peace and will connect you to the divine irrespective of your religion, which will strengthen your immune system,” she adds. Actor and Kundalini yoga teacher, Bijay Anand says it is great to wash away all negativity. “It helped me to take out 30-35 years of anger that resided inside me. It helps release anger, reduce anxiety and helps you to be more flexible. The stiffness in the brain causes stiffness in the body. Kundalini yoga helps you in a deep, powerful and spiritual sense. It makes you feel evolved and also gives you a radiant glow,” he says. Continue reading: Hindustan Times
Helpful Links
To learn more about the topics explored in this blog post please visit:
Chakras PDF
8 Powerful Ancient Yoga Poses to Activate and Balance Your Chakras
Secret Fire: The Relationship Between Kundalini, Kabbalah, and Alchemy
Recommended Book: The Spontaneous Healing of Belief: Shattering the Paradigm of False Limits by Gregg Braden. COULD THE SPONTANEOUS HEALING of disease, living to advanced ages, an instant connection with everyone and everything, and even time travel be our true heritage in the universe? New discoveries suggest that the answer to questions such as these may be a resounding “Yes!” The key to unleashing such miracles lies in the new discoveries of physics and biology, and the missing link that connects them with our lives!
Seven Energy Centers
The First Energy Center;
Root Chakra or Muladhara, is represented by the color red and located at the base of the spine (pelvic floor). This is the chakra that keeps us grounded, secure and aligned to our physical reality. The root chakra is our connection to the Earth. It links to our sense of belonging with others and self acceptance. It also contains our urges around food, sex, sleep and our survival instinct. Those with a balanced Root chakra are courageous, have excellent instincts and are confident decision makers and strong leaders. An unbalanced Root chakra can make one feel anxious, worried and insecure and this in balance manifest as avoidance and fear.

The Second Energy Center;
Sacral Chakra or Svadhisthana, is represented by the color orange and located in the lower belly, just below the navel. It is home of our emotions and creativity, and it is also the center of our desires and the reproductive organs. Those with a balanced Sacral Chakra access their potential for high creative energy, sensual pleasure and self healing. Those with an unbalanced Sacral Chakra could have a blocked creativity and feelings of emptiness, guilt and indecisiveness that slows down our self development.
The Third Energy Center;
Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura, is yellow in color and located between the navel and sternum. It associated with our perspicacity, self confidence and digestive system. It is the body’s energy powerhouse where a vast amount of our physical vitality is held. It represents individual power, purpose and the element of fire. Those with a balanced third energy center are empowered by a transformative energy, therefore, they take action to achieve and reach their desires and goals. When the third energy center area is blocked one could experience imbalances associated with heightened ego such as obsessive ambition, frustration and susceptibility to outer critics.
The Fourth Energy Center;
Heart Chakra or Anahata, is green in color and located in the middle of the chest. This Chakra is the meeting ground for the vast spectrum of human compassionate and emotional experiences, as it relates to receiving and giving back our gratitude. Those with a balanced Heart Chakra have the capacity to feel deeply connected to other people, and also have the optimism to radiate the highest aspects of faith and unconditional love. In contrast, a closed Heart Chakra has the capacity for deep feelings of alienation, sadness, meanness, nervousness, hopelessness and setback.
The Fifth Energy Center;
Throat Chakra or Vishuddhi, is represented by the color blue and is located in the throat. As the energetic home of hearing and speech. It is associated with communication and self expression, which is the ability to express our dreams. When the Throat Chakra is tuned, one can communicate thoughts and feelings without being concerned by the opinions of others. As opposed to someone with an unbalanced Throat Chakra, who holds back from expressing opinions, thoughts and feelings, due to worrying about how others might contrarily react.
The Sixth Energy Center;
Third Eye Chakra or Ajna, is represented by the color indigo and located between the eyebrows. It is the energy center linked to memory, imagination and inner-knowing where the mixing of intuition and information take place. Those with a balanced Third Eye Chakra can have psychic abilities, a strong connection with trust and inner wisdom that leads to intelligent choices. And to the realization of the fact that humans are more than just a physical body. An excessive or deficient Chakra could lead to a lack of imagination, self doubt, mistrust, denial, concentration lapses and forgetfulness.
The Seventh Energy Center;
Crown Chakra or Sahasrara, is violet and purple white. It is located at the top of the head and links us to a higher level of spiritual knowledge and consciousness. It also connects us to everything that is beyond our individual ego, emotional experiences and preferences, personal needs – our linear intellect. Those with a balanced Crown Chakra are genuinely appreciative and aware of what and who they really are. When this Chakra is closed, finding the meaning of life, living in the now and feeling one with the universe are principles that can not be understood.