Confident Communication – See Clearly – New Study – Optimism

Now is an excellent time to confidently promote yourself and your big ideas to others rather than waiting for things to come to you. It is a good period for writing, publishing, speaking, negotiating and signing contracts because your natural elegance backed up by your intellectual capabilities impresses the public more easily today. You are able to effectively get your point of view across without any misunderstandings. As you enthusiastically talk about your opinions, others listen, believe and are receptive to you because your sixth sense understands what isn’t possible and what can be done.
If you’re looking for business opportunities and for good items to buy or sell, with transiting Jupiter trine your natal Mercury you can do quite well. You have an easier time hearing what others say and in return your sincerity and clarity are respected while you communicate your thoughts; whether you’re delivering challenging or pleasing news, others will feel good and grateful to you for saying it.
“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,
on earth as ’tis in heaven,”
Yet when and how this kingdom
comes, are thoughts but seldom given.
The earth itself is heaven, in part, a
speck among the stars,
Yet kingdoms come and go, on earth,
enscribed with human scars.
The poles of heaven and poles of
earth move on by cyclic laws.
The suns and suns of suns whirl by
with not the slightest pause.
Our breathings come, our breathings
go ‘thout e’en an effort given,
And still we pray, “Thy kingdom come
on earth as ’tis in heaven.”
Where is this heaven, in boundless
space, to which poor mortals pray,
Where is this kingdom yet to come,
from which we seem to stray.
All space is decked with wondrous
signs, in constellations formed,
Yet plodding men scarce recognize
these heavens with stars adorned,
With speed and might through space,
by time, exact moves every star,
Yet man in mortal form perceives no
motion, change, or jar,
Still towards that kingdom in God’s way,
like on a ship at sea,
Man, on the earth as passenger, approaches Destiny.
The Aries of the Zodiac through Pisces will be passed,
And soon Aquarius will receive the Lamb of God at last.
The hopes and thoughts of man will change,
“Thy will, Oh God, be done,”
The true Christ-cross will soon be
reached and with it “Kingdom Come.”
C. H. Webber.
When transiting Jupiter is trine your natal Mercury you begin to think with greater clarity and your curiosity increases in order for you to intelligently plan some detailed solutions to problems that used to be best forgotten. Now you can see the big picture and your mental attention is more alert to all possibilities on how to reach agreements that would satisfy all parties involved in upcoming events and decisions.
This transit stimulates all learning activities. Jupiter transits to Mercury expands your curiosity to study all subjects, especially abstract ideas that can be later translated into practical reality and used to organize any areas of your life. The skills you learn now will bring you growth through your mental studies, your spiritual self development and written or oratory self promotion as the chances of keeping clear information channels flowing until your projects are completed is increased by the benefic Jupiter boosting your mind ability to answer each puzzling question. Psychologically, you can expect a heightened optimism and a busy mind buzzing from a long list of exciting interests to pursue with a positive attitude.
***Astrology is not as simple as A + B = C. It is always with reference to the natal chart, and depending on your age, there will be a huge difference in the way you cope with a planetary event or a transit. Think of a transit or natal chart aspect as an archetypal passage, and try to intuit for yourself how this is influencing you.